Forefather Janis

In my youth in the Netherlands we sang: Ja-Ja, ja Janus, he asks you to come in the army, but we ended the song with the Salvation Army. The driver of our bus stopped and yelled to us, saying it is impossible having no respect for an organisation like that, which is in fact is a pacific one.

Nowadays the youth sing “Janus janus catch me again” and you see no improvement in this generation. In my opinion those kind of slogans originated from the Roman time The time that this God had a relation with the army because this schizophrenic God is special with his double head, because from one side he represents peace and from the other side war.

At the moment writing these sentences, the doors from his church are again wide open, caused by humanitarian bombs, throwing on our Serbian friends. When I was better in drawing than I should make a double head with one side for Chirac and the other side for Josphin.

Let’s not continue with contempt, and study this God more intense.

Texts in the mythological dictionary from Raymond JACQUENT


Old king from Latium who was defied. Husband from Camise. She gave him a son Tiberinus who drowned in the river the Tiber, that is why this name.

Janis is the God of the beginning, the God of the doors and passages. He is represented with two heads who are watching the entrance and exit. He represents the beginning of every year (January).

You don’t find Janis a lot in legends. Nevertheless Ovide writes about his adventure with the nymph Carna. She gives him a child, Proca. It is Proca who welcomed Saturn (Chronos) when Zeus sends his father away from the Olympic. The God who gave lessons in the expressive art and this period of Janis is considered as the golden century of humanity. Janis is the protector of Rome. His temple, at the Forum was open during the wars and closed in time of peace. When Tarpeia the Capitole gave to the Sabens; he prevented that the enemy could not enter this by squirting sulphur holding hot water. He had the nick name Quirinis.


Texts in the mythological dictionary from Myriam Philibert

Latin Gods of Doors

Janis, in her female form, Jana (or Janua) has a role as firstling. She opens the doors and present two faces, one to the past and the other to the future. But also one to heaven and the other to earth of the one in relation to the change of the sun to the summer and the other to the winter. Is it not January, which is celebrated with this? Further more relations and more secrets are known with the name Jean. (See the at the end of this page).

He gets the status of the oldest God and is special mentioned for Jupiter. Under the name Quirinus, he ruled over Latium, in the so-called golden times and Saturn was even his master. With the help of the hours, he was the guard of the gate to Heaven. He played the role as creator, offering opportunities.

You could find his sacral services at the town walls in the shape of bows with four sides. In Rome you will find his main temple, founded by Numa. Special of those temples is that the doors are open during time of war and closed when there is peace.

This time this God did not came from the Middle East via the Greek, but directly to the peninsula Italy, maybe by trade settlements (colonies) from the Phoenicians or other sailors, but before he became God of war and peace he was the God of the sailors and shipbuilding.

Again, as many times before we have to go back to the epos of Gilgamesh and for our memory the persons are:

The kings of the kings list of Ourouk or according the Bible Erech, the city Warka of today.

This list contains 12 kings who lived 2310 years.

The first 5 are:

Kings list after the deluge
  of Ourouk

Planet  Name in Bible

Ziusoudra (list after the deluge)

No location on the firmamentNoé  

Shamas (God of the Sun)


1) Mes-ki-ag-ga-se-ir
     son of the sun god


2) En-me-kar  

Jupiter  Nimrod

3) Lougalbanda

Mars  unknown

4) Doumouzi the fisherman

Earth/Moon  Tamouze

5) Gilgamesh

MercuryNabu (chodonosor)  

In this list of the first dynasty after the Deluge we not only find the divine Inanna or in the Acadian language Istarte the planet Venus and Astarte or Ester in the Bible.

Probably she is the Mother God of the Neolithic or prehistory but being woman not as a queen or priest.

Than another personage remains in the Epos of Gilgamesh, our Noah of Noe from the Bible, father of Cham with the name Outnapishtim or Ziusoudra depending in which language it is written.

This person is the last king of the king’s list of before the deluge and is not deified by a planet.

In this table you will find the king’s list of before the deluge of which at least 6 variants exist, with 8 till 10 kings of which the names a sort of correspond with the 10 forefathers of before the deluge.

A relation is tried to make with the ten forefathers between Adam and Noe. The lifetime is this time 36.000 and 72.000 years. Ziusoudra lived 36.000 years written in nail headed characters; 600 shar= 60 x 600

The age of Noe with the deluge was 600 year; this cannot be a coincidence!

King’s list before deluge


28800 year


36000 year

En-men-lu –anna 

43200 year


28800 year

Doumouzi le berger 

36000 year


28800 year


21000 year


18600 year


36000 year

In this Babylonic king’s lists these kings are associated a sagacious person of which the most well known is king Aloulim. With him you have the relation in which way Ouan-adapa (U4.AN.AN.) is written in Sumerian. The Babylonians associate him with a man dressed in a cloak with fish skin together with a fish head, during he blesses. My conclusion is that it is about a priest he represents the spiritual world. From his half God we suppose that he lived in the subterranean water with the name Apsou and the word sapient was Apkallou.

In the third century before Christ in Babylon a priest lived with the name Bérose who left us a couple of books written in Greek.

The names in Greek, which Béros gave us for Aloulim is Alôros and Ouan, become Oannès.

Oannès changes in Italy to Janis and results in the word Ocean too and as said before also responsible for the name of the month January. That this God was very old is obvious and even Jupiter was beaten in age, when you know that one was before the deluge and the other after it. The double head is explained by that this God lived before and after the deluge and we see the confusion with Outnapishtim / Noe too. Maybe these two heads show the historical and mystic side?

My Personal opinion is that the second head shows the fish head of the priest cloak which is visible behind the silhouette.

I realise that since a very long time ago priests and shamans are dressed in cloaks made from animalskins, wolf, bear, leopard, lion, bull and a lot of other rare and mystic beast.

Nowadays the priests use cloths from times far away from today, like robes or the ermine fur used by the French judged to influence us and to let feel us uncomfortable.

It is not possible to find a relation with the name Jan, because this name originates from Hebrew Iôhanan (favourite of Yahweh) and in German of Dutch: Johannes.

Is there a relation between them and the God Poseidon, Neptune in Latin? This is a God too who lives in the seas.

Most of the Greek Gods originate from the Middle East and it does not surprise me that Oannès came in a package of other Gods. Jacquenod in his dictionary is of the opinion that there is a relation with the Sanskrit word; Idas-pati (master of the seas).

The books from Babylon speak about the sagacious (Apkallou) pure fish (pouradou). I am seeing here the naming of furious sea God.


PO -SEI-DON ????

This mystic person gives us the name of January, but Oannès leaves another unexpected track too (See Dr. Papke).

This protestant theological scientist, antipope up till his last chromosomes proves in a brilliant way that the head of the fish with his mouth half open already existed in the time of the Mitre cult in the shape of a bonnet (cap) and the fact the Roman Catholic church is very inspirited by this religion, it is not a surprise that this cap still can be found on the heads of our bishops with the name mitre.

This originates from the word Mithra and not from a bishop who is not satisfied and says to his deacon “ Zo de mieter op” that is Dutch for the expression get lost or Nom d‘un Dieu.

The bonnet (cap) of Mithra is even called the French revolutionary cap “bonnet phrygienne” and had no relation at all with mitre.

Hereunder you see the picture of an Apkallou on a bath. This is from the time of Sennacherib (704 – 681 BC).

The marked lines clearly indicate the fish head and also the fish cloak is good to see. It is for sure that is not pleasant at all the wear such kind of cloths, this cause the terrible smell. The mitre replaces this, which a fish head with a half open mouth good imitates.

On the contrary the double head of Janis represents from one side the head of a priest and the other side the head of a fish. This with the meaning that he lives in subterranean water (Absou in the Sumerian language) and this word is copied by our Greek with Abyssos (depth of ocean).


Links: The sign of the Messias  Online Publications of Dr. Papke
